House: House/Wilson

A Modest Proposal by: Ignaz Wisdom
Summary: Tritter's case against House still depends on subpoenaed testimony from Wilson. To save House from losing everything, the doctors of PPTH decide on an unusual solution, which in turn leads to unexpected consequences. This is a story about the sacrifices we make that turn out not to be such great sacrifices after all.
56,000 words

Once Upon a Build-A-Bear by: allycelestastar 
Summary: “‘Only you would care enough about some cancer kiddie to go out of your way to make some bear for her.’”
HW两个人一起去给Wilson的病人小女孩做小熊(美国那种build a bear的店,可以自己选择小熊的样子、服饰、配件等等等等,做一个和你自己完全一样的专属小熊),结果发展到俩人各自做了自己的小熊(LJ上还有网友真的照文章所写去做了,一定要去看她拍的图!!)

Another Chance by: Rennie51
Summary: House thinks something terrible has happened to Wilson.
续篇 Recovery: Wilson is having a difficult time recovering from a nasty concussion.
House误会Wilson出车祸挂掉了,悲痛欲绝……当然Wilson并没有死,但是也受到了一定的脑震荡,之后就是House nursing Wilson……

Truth Begins in Lies by: Macx
续篇 White lies

House in Atlantis by: Belladonna
Summary: The Gov't offers House a top secret job, and when Wilson inadvertantly breaks his heart, he accepts.

Overheard In An Office by: Katling
Summary: House somehow overhears Cameron and learns about the speech Wilson made to her about the special someone who made him feel funny and the whole "you'd be surprised what you can live with" and, of course, being House, he has to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Laws of the House by: azkabanrunaway
Summary: House has new Rules for his team, but is he going to break his own rules?

Brain Damage by: ourteencandles
Summary: Wilson's not feeling great; House isn't solving the mystery. Fluff, fluff, fluff.

Green Looks Good by triedunture
Summery: The new radiologist on Wilson's team makes a play for his boss. House no likey. House growly.
6,371 words
新来的影像学者absolutely-gay + very-yong + smoking-hot + not-a-little-charming,而且明显对上司Dr.Wilson兴趣浓郁……于是一切爆发在这位闯入者将Jimmy扑倒在核磁观测台上…
还是那句话,我爱green-eyed!House XDD

Ship of Fools by Neena Varscona
Summery: The Captain’s a tyrant and possibly a madman, but when the crew rebels it’s Wilson who gets caught in the crossfire.
9,873 words
这篇前部分看得我真是很开心,但是……说实话我不大喜欢最后House out Wilson的举动,但是但是,唉,要知道House稍微长一点又能看得过眼的文章真的不多。

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