RPS: Jared/Jensen

Off the Script by: jasmasson
Summary: Jensen Ackles was the porn industry’s leading star for years, until Jared Padalecki came along. Jensen’s world-weary and disillusioned. Jared’s… not.
22,000 words
Jensen是gay porn界的super star No.1,专职bottom,入行12年,火了12年;Jared则是刚入行的新人,专职top,不仅有着big dick还有着pretty eyes以及真挚的声音和一流的演技。
Jen当年是生活所迫才进入gay porn一行,而Jared则是突然醒来想到"I can make money by fucking. What a fun career!"。
于是Jen看着这个新来的人人友好小子非常不顺眼,却要跟他和演三部戏;Jared则13岁看的第一部gay porno就是Jensen的,可以说是个huge fan(我当时想,如果他正是因为看到Jen才被掰弯了的那就更有趣了XD),曾经屁颠屁颠地显摆"I must be living millions of men's dreams by making a buck from doing porn with Jensen Ackles."
最后的最后当然是J2退出porn界happy together,而最搞笑的是退出之后的Jensen的新工作就是剧本创作,于是他写了一个剧叫Supernatural,还提议大J去试镜Sam……

Parting Gifts by: frostian
Summary: Jared Padalecki lost his husband, Jensen Ackles, through neglect. Then the real nightmare begins when a group kidnaps Jensen and ransoms him for fifteen million dollars. The problem isn't paying the money: it's getting Jensen back alive and in one piece.
33,000 words
Jared第一次见到Jensen的时候,直接的想法就是:a man whose beauty could stop satellites from spinning their orbits,于是偷偷在心里称他为The Satellite Killer(笑)
ps. Jared的妹妹真是可爱,那两句"God loves me""God hates me"(笑),而之后大J那句"God hates me too"(大笑XD)还有就是那个偷偷对Jen单相思的保镖,唔,可怜。

Hate, Hate, Hate, Double Hate, Loathe Entirely by: dollydolittle
Summary: Jensen hates Jared and Jared hates Jensen. If it’s opposite day.
2,971 words
低年级的Jared总是欺负Jensen,甚至在他背上写"Jared Tristan Padalecki所有,动就废了你"
续篇 The Toggle Switch Isn't, Um...Toggling: Jared's completely in love with Jensen Ackles, only problem is; Jensen doesn't know they're in a relationship.
3,186 words

The Jared Padalecki Untitled Project by: Sophie
Summary: After Supernatural, Jensen and Jared aren't talking. But a film's a film and Jensen could really use the money.
看的过程心里一直酸酸的,尤其看到大J自从和Jen分开后这么多年甚至没有过one night stand……总之是篇不该错过的好文。
ps. 我喜欢Chris XDD

Don’t Judge a Book(store) By Its Cover by: sophie_448
Summary: Jared and company work at Channing and Weston, a huge chain bookstore in LA. Jensen is the shy new head cashier. There are sparks between the two right from the start and enough other drama in the store to power its own tabloid.
25,457 words
出场人物很全,除了Jared/Jensen,还有Steve/Chris,Jeff/Mike,Sandy/Kristen,Tom/Allie,以及Chad、Sophia和Eric Kripke。
ps. 作者最可爱的莫过于在Warnings里面加上了Chad Michael Murray,不过我发现许多作者都这么做XD
pps. 这里面出奇地,Jeff/Mike很可爱,Tom很混蛋(凸)

Who's that, walking down the aisle? by: miss_starryeyed
Summary: Jensen is a wedding planner. Jared is getting married. Jared and Jensen used to be lovers before Jared's parents tore them apart. What will happen when they meet again after nearly a decade apart?

To the Beat of Our Noisy Hearts by: lostt1
Summary: College AU. Jared is a DJ at the South Texas University radio station. Jensen is a grad student with a thing for the sophomore DJ. Things happen.
30,543 words
这里面crazy Mike照旧可爱(我有说过我很很很很喜欢Mike么?!)想尽馊主意给J2保媒拉纤(不过要不是他一直叫Jensen为Jenny的话,大J也不会一直以为他这位伟大的室友是女孩就是了)。当他知道Jen喜欢Jared于是叫他去追,而Jen问大J是否是gay的时候,有过这样一句话:Jenny, everyone is a little gay for you(大概)

Comes a Horseman by: astri13
Summary: In the Bronze Age Jen is studying to be a healer, resigned to a life of quietness in his tribe. Though that may change when Jaret, leader of a Barbarian horde gallops into his life.

Tour 'verse by: incompletework2
Summary: Basically Chris and Steve have a band (nothing new there), Jensen is their little music geek, Jared is the band’s bodyguard and Jeff is their bus driver. Oh and they all live on their tour bus together...
61,435 words
Chris是强悍的女王,然而真正在rule the world却是Steve;
Mike & Tom则是搞笑/可靠的随从……
于是公主经常被女王一干人等欺负,于是说着I hate you/You're all evil的小美人真是让人好想捏他XDD

Zoo AU by: incompletework2
Summary: Basically, Jensen runs a small zoo where he hires Jared to take care of the lions. Mike is in charge of the monkeys, Tom is in charge of all of the gift shops and food stands, Steve is the vet, Chris is in charge of and performs with the dolphins, Chad is the tour guide, Sandy is Jared’s assistant and Danneel is Jensen’s assistant and Jeff’s, who also owns the zoo. (The story is better than the summary. Lol)

Secrets by : hay1ock
Summary: Jensen's trapped in a violent relationship. His preference for guys a secret from everyone, or so he thinks.
续篇 Beginnings: Chris may be gone but he won't be forgotten so easily.
再续 Choices: Finally free of Chris, Jared offers all the choices Jensen never had. Will Jensen make the right ones or will things of the past hold him back.
ps. 作者还做了一个了不起的Promo Vid,同样在她的LJ上有。

Lean On Me (And I’ll Be Strong) by: titheniel & woodsbaile_02
Summary: When it comes to Jensen, Jared can damn well say that he has some sort of hero-worship. When Sandy breaks up with him, and Jensen’s there to put the pieces back together, something shifts, and Jared’s feelings grow deeper and deeper. Meanwhile, Jensen comes to understand that he’s not the only one who can to the catching when one of them falls.
大J和Sandy分手,Jensen照顾他;Jensen有过敏,大J照顾他……总之就是俩人lean on来lean on去。说实话到后来挺肉麻的囧
ps. 我还是喜欢Chris……

Wonder Of My Worldby: cammissbloom & woodsbaile_02
Summary: Something’s wrong with Jensen, and he makes a point not to tell Jared what is it. But when Jared finds out anyway, his reaction surprises even Jared himself.
作者一贯的风格,说实话跟Lean on Me之类有点像,但是……just my type, can't help(耸)

The Deadly Marriage of Mr. and Mr. Padelecki by: loverstar and deesebethen
14,300 words
J2版的《Mr. and Mrs. Smith》,喷

Iowa by: realscape
Summary: Jensen admits something to Jared, and Jared doesn’t do so well with it. Enter- one screwed up friendship. How to fix it?
好吧,我没有看过Dark Angle,但是这么多篇fanfic已经让我对MW恨得咬牙切齿了凸
没办法,我是绝对的Jensen lover,我爱这篇XD

Behind Your Glittered Eyes by: hay1ock
Summary: Au J2 - Jensen is working in a bar, hiding from his past behind his job.But one night he finds he can't hide forever, the past has a nasty habit of catching up with you in the end.
续篇 Balance:Jensen is now in college, living with Jared. Despite everything, the past still a haunting memory, he's been doing ok. But sometimes old ghosts become something much more real.

Lot 863 by: pushkin666
Summary: So I was in the mood to write slavefic and for some strange reason I decided to put Jared and Jensen into it. This is very AU and influenced in some respects by ancient Rome, but only 'influenced' I hasten to add! As a new Emperor takes the throne the Ackles Family are brought low and all that they own, including chattels are to be auctioned off. Jared, youngest son of the Padalecki Family is particularly interested in one lot.
2,100 words

A Love Once Forgotten by: basez_dreams
Summary: Back in 1996, Jared's parents made his wish come true. For his birthday they bought him tickets to see hi favourite band and meet them. But something happened that crushed Jared's teenage dream. Now, in 2008, Jared meets his co-star for his latest movie that just happens to be his old crush. Jared has never forgotten that day, so what will happen when these two are forced to work together? How will it work out?

A Little Fall Of Rain by: splashpink
Summary: 2007, a young author hunts for decades old clues in the death of an actor. 1966, whilst walking in the rain, a barman with a debt too big to pay saves the life of Hollywood's biggest star.
14,000 words

Cooler by: lemmealone
Summary: I have a morbid fear of corpse-eating bugs. Wanna fuck?
13,000 words
这篇文章我在看前半部分的时候一度想:喔!搞不好能挤上Top 3!
由于Jensen缺觉之后就会变得nuts而且stupid,于是在日渐憔悴的同时还胡言乱语地对Chris说出了“I want to have sex with my co-star.”
多嘴鸭Chris告诉Jared后,这个臭屁的小孩就以“I'm pretty much the only regular co-star you have, and I'm also the prettiest, so it makes sense.”为由找上门来,用他天上有地下无的狗屁倒灶办法来帮Jensen克服心理障碍……
ps. 我真是喜欢Chris~~~~

Marilyn'verse by: dollydolittle
Summary: The amazingly true sexual adventures of one Jared Tristan Padalecki. Or, what comes of getting involved with drag queens, kinky girlfriends, and random guys at the library.
ps. CK哥哥真是好人,感觉说他名字的时候都会说Christian just-fucking-cool-sorry Kane

So Close to My Heart by: audrarose
Summary: Dr. Jared and single-dad Jensen in Seattle, with love and complications.
15,900 words
两年前心外科医生Jared为美人的儿子做了手术,从此便有了a two-year hard-on,而Jensen对他儿子的宠溺简直就比Dean对Sam有过之而无不及……

Ripped From The Headlines: A Guide to Having a Famous Boyfriend by: unperfectwolf
Summary: Jensen is a famous actor and Jared is a college student. One day they meet, and nothing's the same again.
14,700 words
ps. 很遗憾没有对马特戴蒙和本阿弗拉克的描写(Jen参演的是他们的电影),我对这一对也很有爱XD

When I Look At You (I’ve Got A Second Chance) by: sinoftheday
Summary: Jared and Jensen meet at camp as teenagers, spending one summer together falling in love, but when the summer ends unforeseen events lead them to be separated. Four years later fate reunites them in college. Will all the obstacles in their path keep them from finding love with each other once again?
26,674 words

Tilted by: thehighwaywoman
Summary: In which I play around with J2 AU RPS and have a fine old time. Wandering vagabond Jared arrives in town for a temporary job rebuilding broken-down beach houses and is baffled by the reclusive nature of his downstairs neighbor Jensen. He doesn't know what kind of secrets Jensen is keeping, but he plans to get to know the man better in every way he can. Features confusion, angst, Chris Kane's Fists of Fury, a yellow Labrador, secrets, and broken!Jensen. Um. Yeah. Cookie, anyone?
Jensen和Jared两个人也十分可爱,而且我喜欢看Jen vulnerable的样子,所以(耸肩)。
续篇 Tilted: Out of True
再续 Tilted: Aslant

Don’t Go Mistaking Paradise by: __tiana__
Summary: AU. Jensen loves only two things in his life: drumming and his best friend Jared. Unfortunately, Jared, his head buried in his painting and a years old crush on a girl named Sandy, only knows about the drumming.
12,600 words
而且有很可爱的一段:Jared终于和梦中情人Sandy约会后却觉得她很漂亮很好没错,但是感觉就是不对,没幽默感,had no interest in cars or art or Jensen, which were really the only things Jared tended to talk about.(噗)

Game. Set. Match. by: sinoftheday
Summary: Jensen is a former tennis star trying to make his come back. He’s screwed up with Jared in the past. Can he make things right with Jared and still win a Grand Slam title?
7,436 words
ps. 我是多么希望能看到纳豆/费老啊><

Project Runaway by: emerald_angel9
Summary: Jared's a journalist who goes to a tiny Texas town to cover Jensen and Danneel's wedding. If there is a wedding, since Danneel has left three men at the altar so far. Will she or won't she go through with it when Jensen's the groom? And what happens when Jared discovers that Danneel's been hiding a shocking secret?
50,000 words
电影Runaway Bride改编。
最后一句话是:(Jared对Jen)If you leave me at the altar, it’s the last thing you’ll ever do.

Through the Window by: deviant_dev
Summary: Inspired by the movie, Bed of Roses... Jared is a no-nonsense lawyer who doesn't take chances. Jensen is a florist who wears his heart on his sleeve.
5,326 words

All This Damage by: raise_a_glass
Summary: Jared and Jensen each have feelings for each other, but both are afraid to reveal them, for very different reasons. Jared is concerned about Jensen's behaviour, particularly after stumbling onto a disturbing scene. Jensen's behaviour becomes even more erratic and self-destructive after the death by suicide of his cousin. Jared works together with Chris to try to figure out how to help him, and discover something very disturbing about Jensen's past.
又一篇涉及到child abuse的,而且是后果很严重的一篇,还好有Jared和Chris在一旁帮忙,可惜最后没有继续叙说J2后来的发展。

Vacanze Romane by: benitle
Summary: Sandy breaks up with Jared, leaving him heart-broken. Jensen comes to the rescue and drags him on a vacation to a fancy, European city. While they enjoy their trip, Jensen tries to ignore his crush on Jared. Things go well and Jared lightens up again but one drunken night something happens Jensen never dared dream of, turning his world upside down.
36,000 words
其中看到Jen的这句让我笑喷:He's horny as fuck and he needs to have Jared buried balls-deep inside him like ever since the moment he first saw Jared but now there's no lube.

Sweet Like Chocolate by: miss_starryeyed
Summary: Jensen is a chocolatier in New York, working his dream job in one of the finest hotels in America. Until one day he witnesses something he should never have seen. As a consequence he’s lost his job, his name, his possessions and even his life.
Forced into hiding in small coastal town he rebuilds the new life forced onto him, buying a small shop on a popular street of shops. There he meets a number of unusual and interesting characters, one of them is Jared, a happy-go-lucky guy who owns a children’s toy store.
The spark between them is instantaneous but will Jensen’s secret past come back to threaten his new life?
Jensen是纽约五星级饭店的首席甜点师……就冲这一点……WOO…just fantastic!!
ps. 这里的Chad居然意外的不让人讨厌。

He's looking at you, kid. by: astra2104 and gottalovev
Summary: AU. Attraction at first sight, one day, in a restaurant, between Jared and one of his guests. Shyness and misunderstandings don't make things easy.
16,360 words
不过我们能说什么呢,Jensen is just that shyyyyyyy!!!!

Legs Are Required by: dev-earl
Summary: Jensen is the Sea King's only son and hope to take over ruling of the Atlantis and sea. The problem is, he's fallen in love with Prince Jared, a human male.
7,335 words

Somewhere To See It by: littledrop
13,600 words
photographer!Jared/model!Jensen,而且Jensen是超级大牌当红model,所以可想而知脾气也烂到一定程度,但实际是小美人认为所有人都只喜欢自己的脸、没有人真正爱自己这个人,blah blah blah...

Only Connect… by: madame-meretrix
Summary: Jensen is afraid of getting what he wants.
18,500 words

Faint Stars and Bright Satellite Skies by: Marishna
Summary: It's a story made for Hollywood- a chance encounter between a regular, down-to-earth guy with his whole life planned out for him without a second thought and a well-known, popular movie star turns into something far bigger than either man could ever anticipate. Neither Jared Padalecki nor Jensen Ackles expect or want the complications that arise in their lives from their fast friendship- especially when it develops into something neither anticipated. While Jared accepts and tries to deal with his growing feelings for his famous friend, Jensen fights it every step of the way until his strictly controlled life, hidden behind a public persona, spins out of control.
61,471 words
Jensen是一个super star,而Jared则是一个普通人,俩人在Texas相遇,从不认识到朋友最后发展为恋人,虽说最后有点我不太喜欢的小波折,但总体来说还是一篇相当不错的文。

Stupidly In Love by: jeyhawk
Summary: Jared and Jensen is the best of friends, but Jensen's got one secret he hasn't told Jared about.
6,339 words
续篇 Stupid For You
Jensen喜欢Jared,却以为Jared喜欢Tom;Jared喜欢Jensen(不过他最早没发现),却以为Jensen喜欢Chris。然后俩人居然还best friend了好多年……

When You Call My Name, I Know My Life's Begun by: dev_earl
Summary: jared notices how incredibly shy jensen is and proceeds to help him overcome it.
5,224 words
这个大概就是Jared从第一次见到Jensen起就被人家迷住了,而Jensen开始根本没怎么理他,因为Jensen就是incredibly shy(噗)

My love is like a red, red rose - 6ft Texan by: oddegg
Summary: Jared likes Jensen. But Jensen's shy, so Jared comes up with a cunning plan...
7,358 words
Jared's cunning plan.....yeah...sooooo cunning,真是要膜拜大J那颗聪明的脑袋啊OJZ
直到他甚至会讨厌最铁的Chad,只因为Chad打趣了Jensen,因为在他心里the great guy Ackles已经变成了his Jen……

The Boy Next Door by: truelyesoteric
Summary: In San Antonio Jared’s childhood friend comes home with a new boyfriend. Jared does not react well.
最开始会推荐是因为大J的这段话:"We were thirteen the first time we kissed. He was fifteen and had just gotten those braces off the first time he blew me. We were sixteen when we couldn't stop fucking."

Operation Gigolo by: beanside

Meant To Be by: hay1ock
Summary: Jensen's been in and out of trouble for years. He meets Jared, sweet and clueless, at juvenile hall as both boys are looking to change things when they get out. Twelve years later a chance meeting brings their two very different lives back together.

Business and Pleasure by: belyste
Summary: Jared’s a philandering CEO and Jensen’s his overworked assistant – that is, until Jared decides he needs to improve his image by having a serious relationship and chooses Jensen to be his fake boyfriend. But Jensen’s a little in love with Jared and Jared has ideas of his own, and pretty soon no one is certain what’s fake and what’s real anymore. Featuring dancing, denial, a lot of inappropriate work behavior, and an infamous office holiday party.

Family Affairs by: astri13
Summary: A misunderstanding leads to Jensen adopting the role of fiancé to the currently comatose Jeff Padalecki - Jensen`s unrequited crush. While Jeff`s family welcomes their newest "addition" with open arms, it's Jeff's brother Jared who really turns Jensen`s world upside-down.
15,084 words
电影While you were sleeping改编。

Grapes of Wrath and other Forbidden Fruit by: astri13
Summary: Jared Padalecki only knows one goal in life: revenge on his twin brother Jeffrey who stole their family company. A chance encounter with Jeff's fiancé Jensen might give him the perfect opportunity to get it.
It had been another boring party but a chance encounter with his twin brother`s fiancé Jensen presents Jared Padalecki with the opportunity of a lifetime. Only question remains, will he use it for love or revenge?
20,733 words
这篇里面的Jen是戴着粗边眼镜、衣着保守、腼腆dorky又极度缺乏自信的政客独子,也是Jared的evil twin Jeffrey的未婚夫,而大J利用Jen没有认出他这一点企图报复Jeffrey……
ps. 这篇的cover实在可口。

Cheese Verse by: astri13
Summary: Jared has a new roommate he's head over heels with. But there is one small problem. Do fairytales still come true?

Fairytale Series by: culturegeek76
Paddywhack and the Prince: A prince decides to take a suitor - one who has an answer for everything (I basically took Hans Christians story 'Hans Clodhopper' and changed the names.)
Jensen and the Seven Dwarfs: Substitute the word "Snow White" for "Jensen" and it should be pretty self evident.

The Wasted Years We Hardly Talked by: imwalkingalone
Summary: When Supernatural had finished up its fifth and final season, Jared had honestly thought nothing would change all that much. But change it did.
9,000 words

If It Ends Now, Let the Words Remain Unsaid by: dev_earl
Summary: Someone once said the greatest thing in the world is to fall in love with your best friend. it may be true for some.
20,502 words
Jensen爱了Jared四年(当然没有告诉他),在他终于开始move on的时候,Jared却发现其实自己一直爱着Jensen,但是错过的就已经错过了,Jensen还是娶了那个女孩,而Jared却和Sandy分了手……
十年后,Jared仍然孤身一人,Jensen也独自把女儿抚养到九岁,分别深爱了对方10年和14年,没有一天不想着对方、饱受煎熬的两个人终于也迎来了属于他们的happy ending


Tempted by a Texan by: sinoftheday
9,841 words

Addiction by: hay1ock
Summary: Jared likes sex, always has but does it mean there's anything wrong with him? A chance meeting with troubled Jensen makes him realise that perhaps there is something more and just perhaps he's finally found what he's been missing all this time.
hay1ock的文,自然Jensen都会有一段悲惨经历,一个混蛋ex,然后Jared comes to rescue,然后J2 happy ever after
ps. 我爱Mike,totally IN LOVE!!!!

In The Arms Of An Angel by: sammyndeansgrl1
Summary: Guardian angel Jensen comes to Jared to help guide him through a rough spot. Becoming human in form to help him proves to be more difficult than Jensen thought, as he had human feelings and desires
守护天使Jensen接到的第一个任务/考验就是去帮助一塌糊涂的人类Jared,于是soooooo innocent的小天使Jen傻乎乎地把自己搭了进去…囧

I Dream of Jensen by: kelly-girl
Summary: “What’s the first wish; money, fame, girls? Big strapping boy like you, can’t be height, thank god.”

Wasted on the Young by: katjad & memphis86
Summary: Once upon a time when Jared was five and dinosaurs roamed the earth, rubber duckies appeared out of thin air and submarines surfaced in Jensen's bathtub. Also, two very pretty boys got stuck in very sexy situations.
15,000 words

The Truth About Heaven by: Destina
Summary: As Supernatural nears the end of its run, Jared and Jensen have careers and relationships waiting for them. Trouble is, all they want is each other, and a string of quiet epiphanies changes everything.
20,550 words
这个,大概就是SPN快结束了,J2很不舍,又互相有点意思,于是Jensen怀疑自己的性取向,于是找路人甲/JDM试了试,大J自然很生气……最后也照样是Happy Ending。

Winter Kept Us Warm by: apostrophee
Summary: There is a boy and he wears makeup. There is another boy who shouldn’t like the first boy, but he does. Even if he doesn’t understand why.
17,000 words

There’s a first time for everything by: miss_somersault
Summary: A snippet of moments in AU!Jared’s life.

We might as well be strangers by: pez_gurl
Summary: Jared buys Jensen kittens for his birthday. Everything changes.
9,700 words
啊~这篇真是可爱的要融化掉了> <

Caught in a Spin by: dark-reaction
Summary: Jared and Jensen are best friends in high school fighting feelings for each other, school work, team sports, and most of all the required ballroom dancing unit.

Paper.planes by: aeroport_art
Summary: In which Jared is a wee British undergrad, and Jensen, American postgrad extraordinnaire, seduces him with how great his ass looks in a pair of jeans.
24,000 words
这篇里的Jared小朋友真是醋意横飞,甚至想在美人脑门上印上Property of Jared Tristan Padalecki的字样囧
ps. 还有个S/D版本,只是把名字换了一下,叫作Sky in a Box。

In A Mirror Distorted and Indistinct by: felisblanco
Summary: They keep calling him beautiful. Pretty. “Come on. Look this way. Give us a smile, Jensen.” He smiles and blinks against the flashes, fighting the urge to lower his eyes, to hide the blush burning under layers of makeup. Sweat runs down his back, his hands tremble.
He’s not pretty, not beautiful. He’s small and weak and pathetic and one day they’re all gonna figure it out. One day…
36,800 words

Man's Best Friend by: siubhlach
Summary: Cynical-about-love radio talkshow host Jared Padalecki doesn't take chances when it comes to romance so he bails on a blind date with one of his callers. End of story, right?
电影The Truth About Cats & Dogs改编。

Man's Best Friend by: belyste
Summary: Jensen gets turned into a dog. Things...happen.
18,000 words

Something Borrowed, Something Blue by: belyste
Summary: When Jared desperately needs a date for his brother's wedding, he hires an escort. Jensen's the perfect fake boyfriend, except pretty soon things get a little too real.
38,000 words
电影The Wedding Date改编。又一个假戏真做的故事。

The Recruiter by: deviant_dev
Summary: AU - Jensen is a thirty year old gay man with a reputation for "recruiting" college guys. Jared is a twenty-one year old college guy who's still a little wet behind the ears. The following is what happens when Jared becomes Jensen's next recruit...
3,942 words
续篇:Not Just Another Recruit: AU - Jared's not satisfied with being just another one of Jensen's recruits, so he decides to do something about it.
3,218 words

Feeling it under the clothes by: chibi_saru11
Summary: So, he was happy, with a job he liked and few friends – but very loyals. Yet there was a huge problem in the perfect equation that his life was.
2,424 words

Miss(ter) Congeniality by: Ras Elased
Summary: So they're not called pageants, they're called "scholarship programs." After a coalition of fraternities sued the government for equal rights, stating it wasn't fair that pretty girls got to go to college based on their looks without the same benefit for boys, the pageant company was forced to open an 'equal opportunity' all-male pageant. But the backlash was fierce, and now the pageant is receiving threatening letters. They call in the FBI for help, and after assessing the situation, they assign Agent Ackles to go undercover as a pageant contestant. He is less than thrilled with his assignment. Former male model Jared gets hired as the pageant consultant charged with the difficult task of transforming Jensen from rough-around-the-edges FBI agent to GQ coverboy. Between the pampering and strutting and arguing and trying to find a place to conceal his weapon during the swimsuit competition, Jensen starts to realize that they make a good team, and maybe more.
23,000 words
电影Miss Congeniality改编。

As Long As You Smile by: loony_moony
Summary: Jensen would not wear bananas on his head, so Jared makes him a gay beauty queen.
19,005 words
同是Miss Congeniality改编。不过这篇Jared是Jensen的上司。

Wrong Side, Right Choice by: sammyndeansgrl
Summary: Jensen is a paycheck to paycheck working class single father, Jared is a rich kid from the other side of town that hasn't done a hard days work in his life, but is surprisingly down to earth and not a snob. Sparks fly when they meet, the attraction is immediate and mutual...but can they weather their friends, families and different worlds?
25,420 words
续篇 Big Brother
Jensen是为生计艰苦奋斗的单亲爸爸,Jared是有钱人家的儿子,这篇最有趣的地方在于:两个人相遇后马上jump into bed,Jared要求bottom,可是成为恋人后大J简直把Jensen压得翻不了身,严重怀疑Jared小盆友玩腹黑,扮bottom吃美人,骗到手后狼性暴露……囧
最后被吃得干干净净的美人抱怨道:"I've just never known you to want to top so much, I don’t think I’ll be able to sit down or bend over without groaning for a month."可死小孩还敢ms无辜地说:"I’ve never wanted to be a top until I met you. I just like fucking you into the middle of next week, what can I say?"

In From the Cold by: ladyjanelly

Cupid 97 (This ain't your Hallmark Cupid) by: aeroport_art
Summary: Everybody's got a love/hate relationship with their jobs. But for Jensen Ackles, top Cupid in the nation, after a hit goes wrong it's just a long, downhill slide from there.
27,500 words
安徒生童话The Saucy Boy改编。Cupid!Jensen这次的任务是Jared和Sandy,可是Jared这个凡人小子却总是不上道,一直作为top Cupid的他这次能成功么?

You've got mail by: dare_to_dream06
Summary: Jared and Jensen have been best friends since the show started filming. But they've both been keeping secrets from each other. When Jensen can't take it anymore, he finally tells Jared his secret, over the internet. Jared doesn't know what to do, was it all just some stupid joke?

Only This, And Nothing More by: jeyhawk
Summary: Jared's been clinging to Jesse because there is something about him that just feels right. Then one day he runs into Jesse's twin brother and maybe shy and soft-spoken Jensen is who Jared's been reaching for all along.
21,000 words

If It Wasn’t For You Meddling Kids by: trollprincess
Summary: Jared is one of the leads of the new TV show "Supernatural", but under cover of darkness he is Shadow, a costumed superhero in dark blue spandex who prowls the streets fighting crime and saving people. The move to Vancouver means dealing with an entirely new city to patrol, Mike and Tom's ridiculous excuse for a two-man superhero team, and the mysterious man in black on a motorcycle who's following "Shadow" on his patrols and keeping Jared up nights. In other words, Jared’s a tall friendly Texan who walks through walls, Jensen’s his reserved new co-star -- together, THEY FIGHT CRIME! \o/
21,000 words

Stand By Your Man by: thehighwaywoman
Summary: For the abouttwoboys ficathon; rewrite of "The Wedding Singer".
Jared: a wedding singer who can't sing, left standing at the altar. Jensen: a newcomer to town who's having big troubles with his haughty fiancée. The story of two guys who didn't plan on their lives turning down this road, but who just might find something better than they'd ever dreamed of in each other.
30,000 words

You're My Heaven by: ysgrifen_ysbail
Summary: Heaven can exist where you least expect it to. Jensen is being haunted by an old relationship ... and something else.
13,000 words
电影Just Like Heaven改编。这里JDM是Jen的前男友,我很少看大叔这么混蛋的文,不过不是这样也衬托不出Jared小盆友的可爱。

The Winter Manor by: Cards
Summery: Historical AU for Regency/Napolianic wars, Jared is the second son of a Duke and Jensen works at the families normally vacent Manor house. The family goes back for the christmas season for the first time in 10 years.

Not exactly surprising (but surely not planned) by: JM
Summary: "The first time Jared met Jensen, he simply wanted to hit him. Hard. Really hard."
这里设定Michael Weatherly是Jen的男朋友,当然最后是被Jared小朋友呛走了…
看到bonus chapter的时候让我决定不得不把这篇提出来。

Finding ourselves by: Annie
Summary: Ten years down the line - They have lost touch. Jared is divorced and Jensen newly widowed with a child. Can they find themselves again?

High noon by: miss_somersault
Summary: The wild wild west, a sunny day, a careless gambler and a young Sheriff who’s more experienced than you might think…
4,150 words
这篇虽然很短,但是想象一下Sheriff!Jared/gambler!Jensen,Jensen的双手被手铐锁在身后,半强迫的火辣辣的jail sex!!!

In Which Jared Becomes a Disney Princess by: larouxvixen
8,389 words
Summary: In which Jared has a massive girly crush on Jensen, gently stalks him, spittakes all over a bar, gets told by Chris, and discovers that Freud would have a lot to say about both his and Jensen's psyches.

Light My Fire by: agt_spooky
Summary: In New York, two men meet under unusual circumstances, and find themselves falling for each other. But when Jensen Ackles learns who Jared Padalecki really is, it all comes crashing down. Can Jared convince Jensen to open up his heart and take a chance on love again, despite who Jared is?
19,700 words

Stretch Right Up And Touch The Sky by: felisblanco
Summary: Jared’s life changed forever the day Jensen transferred to his school two years ago. It must have been destiny that brought them together because Jensen was without a doubt meant to be his forever soulmate and the love of his life. Too bad Jensen had no idea Jared even existed.
47,800 words
电影Love At First Hiccup改编。
我爱High school AU,尤其还是Clumsy!Jared/Virgin!Jensen……当然这里还有asshole!Tom作为Jensen的ex。
ps. 这里Jared和Jensen分别有叫Ben和Cody的弟弟,真是两个混世小魔王可爱的小家伙XD

Homo Side Characters by: redradioflyer
Summary: AU. Jensen is gang-pressed into joining an all-male club that is devoted to fulfilling the dreams of wealthy young women, only to have the club president fall madly in love with him.

Under Your Spell by: sinoftheday
Summary: Jensen never wanted to fall in love, but now all he wants is to share his life with someone who loves him.
9,813 words
电影Practical Magic改编。
ps. 这里面有纯情浪漫的Chris/Jensen,虽然这是我的菜,但以防这是你的雷。

A Cottage with a Sea View by: TempestQuill
Summary: In 1993 Jared Padalecki inherits a cottage with a sea view on Santa Rosa Island, just off of the California coastline. 2008, jaded actor Jensen Ackles buys a beach house on a small island off of the California coastline from his therapist to escape the frenzy that his life has become after a recent scandal. See how the lives of these two men collide...
17,858 words

Nothing Without You by: dea_liberty
Summary: Jared's an up-and-coming actor who just scored a TV series. His co-star, Jensen Ackles, is newly discovered talent, straight out of Texas. The seemingly mismatched pair are perfect together. But not everyone is happy about their chemistry - and no one is more unhappy than the president of the CW herself.

Mr. Right Next Door by: katjad
Summary: Small-town middle school teacher Jared Padalecki had fallen for a criminal while on a cruise, without a clue who she really was. Now he was home, waiting for her to contact him again, and undercover cop Jensen Ackles' job was to track Padalecki's every move.
30,195 words

A Love Long Lost by: kuhekabir
Summary: Jensen had always thought that the three stones in his garden were magical, after all they had been in his family’s garden for at least four centuries, if not longer. One night writing appeared as if per magic and the next morning, he found himself waking up with a tall and handsome stranger.

This Fragile Heart by: agt_spooky
Summary: Written for the abouttwoboys fic challenge. The movie I claimed was Return To Me. While this is not a word-for-word, scene-for-scene retelling of the film (because I just think that would be boring, you could just rent the movie!) the main plot is still the same, and so is some of the dialogue.
15,544 words

Two times Jared (or when Jared stopped believing he was straight) by: benitle
Summary: Jared thinks he's a normal, straight guy. Until he meets his gay self, or well, his other self that's a little more than gay for Jensen.
27,300 words
哈,这里说的gay-self可并不是任何隐喻修辞,真的就是Jared某天醒来,见到了别人看不到的另一个“自己”,而这个“自己”完全是head over heels gay for Jensen…

The Dallas Deception by: aynslee
Summary: Jared's job as a legal assistant in a large Dallas law firm is fairly routine, until he finds himself working for attorney Jensen Ackles.
25,000 words

Been Down That Rocky Road by: nevcolleil
Summary: Jared is sort of a disaster - an accident waiting to happen, a jinx. But Jensen knows a few things about those, so he figures he can handle it.
9,437 words
电影Good Luck Chuck改编。Jensen就像被诅咒了一样,所有的good guy和他在一起之后都会马上变成asshole,而一旦分手又甚至变成一个saint……而现在他真的不想失去Jared,他该怎么办?

Not Quite Model Behavior by: indigo_blind
Summary: Jared Padalecki is a contestant on the hit reality show America's Next Top Male, hosted by none other than the world's leading male model Jensen Ackles. Through the course of the show and the challenges Jensen falls for one of the contestants of his show, causing a few little problems along the way.

Home Again [You can’t go back] by: snow_blossoms
Summary: Before Jared can marry Sandy, he’s got to go home again.
8,954 words
这篇和下面一篇都是Sweet Home Alabama改编的,而且这篇是我后看的,可是却更喜欢。

Sweet Home Texas by: sarlev_vanisa
Summary: Jared has everything he could ever want in his life, great job and he's getting married to the woman of his dreams, there is just one problem. His husband back in Texas.
Sweet Home Alabama改编。J2十几岁就结婚了,然后Jared九年前跑到了纽约,功成名就,还要娶译员(可能记错)的女儿,于是跑回家和Jensen离婚……(真是混蛋混蛋混蛋!!!)

My Problem is You Make Me Melt by: juice817
Summary: Jensen makes a bet that changes his life forever.
18,200 words
电影She's All That改编:Jensen是学校里最火的学生,他和Chris打了个赌,要改造最不起眼最落遢的学生Jared……
我斗胆摘录一段:"So, Jen," he breathed, right into Jensen's ear, hands rubbing his ass, "no more bets. Right? Unless it's your gorgeous butt on the line."
Jensen was really tense now, and he pulled away from Jared just a little. "Yeah, about that, Jay..."
Jared pulled him close again. He knew Jensen wasn't quite ready for actual sex yet, wasn't honestly sure he was either. They'd get there eventually, but Jared was definitely going to have fun with Jen between now and then. He was so cute when he was flustered. Jared laughed softly and deliberately squeezed Jensen's ass. "Don't worry, Jen. I'll make sure I win."

So Close No Matter How Far by: TempestQuill
Summary: Five amazing years working with the guy who's become his best friend. Now the time has come to move on, but Jensen Ackles is learning that there's always something to be said about goodbyes, and just how final they can be, especially when Jared Padalecki isn't ready to hear it...
29,839 words
ps. 渐渐发现其实Chad挺可爱的,虽然他是个douche

Can't Fight This Feeling by: jeyhawk
Summary: Jensen Ackles moves to New York to fulfill his life long dream of becoming a songwriter, but achieving his dream isn't as easy as he thought, and a chance meeting with the mysterious Jared Padalecki makes him wonder if he should have been dreaming of something else all along.
35,000 words
电影Coyote Ugly改编。

That'll Give You Bees by: annella
Summary: Jensen is a hot-shot Hollywood actor, and Jared owns a pet shop in San Antonio. What happens when two completely different worlds literally collide?
18,515 words
大明星Jensen和笨拙的宠物店小老板Jared,Tom是Jen的asshole ex,Danneel是Jen的bitch ex……就是这样。
ps. 说实话我不喜欢大J的X环和X环。

Crushed in Cordova by: aynslee
Summary: After losing his wife, Jensen’s determined to be a good father, even though he doesn’t ever plan on dating again. But once he meets Jared, everything changes.
11,500 words
电影Sleepless in Seattle改编。

Beauty: In the Eye of the Beholder by: keepaofthecheez
4,334 words
Summary: Who says all love is blind.
嗯,这篇文的主旨就是说everyone’s got a thing for Jen(误!)

Underneath This Texas Sky by: lostt1
Summary: Money can buy popularity but... For Jensen, he just wanted to be a part of the cool crowd. When star quarterback Jared needs help, Jensen sees his chance. What he gets is more than he bargained for.
24,500 words
电影Can't Buy Me Love改编。

Let's Hear It For The Boy by: deviant_dev
Summary: Highschool AU ~ (cheerleader!Jensen & slutty!snarky!jock!Jared) ~ The trouble-making, popular jock Jared has the hots for the shy new boy, and will do whatever it takes to make him his.

Between Us by: lady-krystal-79
Summary: Jared has the perfect life, but then things start to get interesting...

Separation Anxiety by: wenchpixie
Summary: Jensen’s lonely, drunk and angry and he’s about to make the biggest mistake of his life. He loves Jared, and Jared loves him, but is their relationship, are they, strong enough to cope?
13,300 words
阿—哈——,终于有一篇Jensen搞了个女人的故事了(J2的关系中Jared总是爬墙的那一个),虽然只是one night stand但这回Danneel还帮Jen生了个娃…
最可爱的一句是Jen看着女儿Heather(这个名字-_-#)想到:It wasn’t like she’d have to carry her little pink backpack anywhere anyway. Jared could do that for her; he liked pink, and he totally owed Jensen for convincing Heather that ice cream and candy were entirely viable dinner choices. Sometimes it was like having two kids.

And the Rest, As they Say, Is History by: Raina
Summary: Struggling actor Jensen takes a job as big-shot movie star Jared Padalecki’s dogsitter. And the rest, as they say, is history.
想看Jen和大J的狗狗玩作一堆吗,想看毫无明星架子顶着鸟窝头傻乎乎却又冒着汗sexy like hell的大J吗,一定不要错过!

Deviant Ways by: fiesty_red
Summary: In the city of Little Rock, a murder case arises like no other. Homicide detectives Jared Padalecki and Eve Mitchell are on the job, determined as ever to find the killer that eludes them every time. Each murder follows a specific, gruesome pattern, and they are the most shocking and violent the city has ever witnessed. The killer is arrogant and showcases it all like a demented game he knows he can win. However, it was never intended for one of the victims to escape.
不用说这个vic就是我们的Jensen了…poor Jensen T^T
Warnings: Prepare yourself… Intense violence, gore, torture, psychological distress, tense scenes/situations, language, M/M relationship, and also sex. No lollipops, candy canes or fluffy white bunnies in this story. Very dark, but I do promise there is a good ending. One must first sink to the lowest pit before gaining leverage to the top.
而这篇里的小探长Jared在前部分真是十分可爱:看着浑身是伤(鼻青脸肿)的Jensen,却仍一眼就被美人的美貌俘虏,满脑子净想着什么beautiful eyes,full, pouting, sensual lips……甚至在被美人迂曲地试探时,也只是扑上去啃那sinful lips,然后来一句You’re beautiful囧
然而,后面的某段却让我想大骂Jared, you're such a giant ass!!!(虽然这篇的凶手是个令人发指的人渣,但是当说到他第一次在书店里见到Jen,就觉得他是没人发现的世界上唯一的最宝贵的珍宝……当时真是觉得他比大J这个blind ass开眼多了,殴)

When the Dealin’s Done by: keepaofthecheez
Summary: Life is all about sizzle for rising poker star Jared Padalecki. He's always on the prowl for the next big win--or so he tells the press when they ask when he’ll give up the scene. Jensen Ackles, however, might prove the exception to his rule….
Several years ago a boy with some intriguing rough edges dumped Jared and left town, maturing into a huge success. Now Jensen is back. And Jared’s friends predict if Jensen's as talented at bad behavior as he is at everything else, Jared will enjoy the fling of a lifetime!
17,000 words

The Company He Keeps by: ramsesthegreate
Summary: Jensen Ackles is a struggling private investigator in the 1940s, determined to do whatever it takes to keep his small business alive. But when an unexpected case suddenly appears, will it make or break him?
ps. 这里面的Tom Welling相当bitch……

Dr. Gay by: gottalovev
Summary: His name is Ackles, Jensen Ackles. Will he succed in stopping Dr. Gay's evil plan to vanquish heterosexuality with the Gay Bomb?
5,000 words
007系列,Jensen as James Bond

Late Night Livin' by: deviant_dev
Summary: Part 1 of the highly anticipated AU STRIPPER!verse... Jensen is a stripper. Jared is an innocent college boy that falls head over heels in lust for him, but will Jensen's deep, dark secret and Jared's sexual confusion destroy everything?

Dirty Dancing by: veronamay
Summary: Ever seen Dirty Dancing? Well, then you know the plot of this story. Except there are no girls, unless you count Jensen. This is an AU soap opera/crackfic. I REPEAT: AU CRACKFIC.
8,599 words
这篇有点麻,我想只需要把第一句摘录在此:Once upon a time there was a gorgeous young duckylipped guy by the name of Jensen, who was so pretty and yet amazingly shy about it that he was nicknamed Baby by one and all.

Here's to a Happy Ending by: verbalavalanche
6,710 words

All These Tangled Truths by: estrella30
Summary: Bar owner!Jared and playing with Chris in a band!Jensen; prompt was "Jared being in love with Jensen, but thinking Jensen and Chris are together and being all RAWR and jealous about it, and then Jensen and/or Chris figures that out and tortures Jared about it a little."
3,400 words
我最喜欢的一句:So seeing how perfectly fucking matched Jensen and Chris were did nothing more than piss Jared off and make him want to pinch a baby or kick small puppies.
险些喷花屏幕的一句:Chad’s grin was wide and bright and filled with too many white teeth. “Nah, man. Just call me cupid.”

Fields of Green by: rufferto and luvsabitch
Summery: Is it friendship or love? Jared learns that he wants a lot more when he’s free to think about it. The problem is, it doesn’t look like Jensen is free at all.
Jared无意中看到Tom和Jen在一起的一幕,心情跌到谷底,笨小孩自然以为Jensen is with Tom & Tom is the one he wanted & don't want himself even a little…

Easy to Say (Harder to Feel) by: cherryscott and ze_pink_lady
Summary: Jared takes a dare to pick up a hooker and meets Jensen, who just happens to be one. But things don’t go quite as professionally as they should.

Touching Down In 3, 2, 1... by: kandkl
Summary: Jensen receives a full body cavity examination from airport security guard, Jared, for possible involvement in a drug smuggling.

Mile High Club by:trueshellz
Summary: Jensen is a steward who has a desire to become a member of the Mile High Club and Jared is a pilot... wonder what'll happen.

Domestic Bliss by: Emilia
Summary: Jared is a housecat and Jensen is a... well, Jensen is... um... you just read and find out, alright?

Lord of the Storm {J-squared version} by: smeared_kohl
Summary: The handsome space warrior and the slave of his desire.
He is Wolf, one of the few survivors from the planet Texios, conquered by the mighty intergalactic Confederation. Magnificently handsome and virile, he is a valuable sexual slave programmed to pleasure a woman or man beyond their wildest dreams.
The other is Captain Jared Padalecki, the Confederation’s stunning and fiery ace fighter pilot, with countless battles and victories under his belt. Medals are a part of the reward for his heroism. Another is Wolf, offered to him as a special accolade. But Wolf, whose spirit stays free even as his flesh is forced into service, stirs more than Jared’s hunger. Wolf melts his heart; and they join together as equals to battle against slavery and the evil Confederation…and they unite in the forbidden feeling called love…causing a burst of passion to shake the stars and light the vastness of space.
这篇是作者根据1994年Justine Davis的同名科幻/浪漫小说改编的。

Don't Let It Go To Waste by: kinkynicky
Summary: Growing up in Texas is hard. Growing up in Texas and realising at the age of 16 that you’re in love with your male best friend? Is harder.
14,054 words

For the Love of Jensen Ackles by: j2daily
The prompt: A J2 version of The Ugly Duckling. Jensen is the fat kid at school and Jared either bullies him/is his only friend, but because he's younger he doesn't stand up to the bullies. The boys lose touch but meet again in college where Jensen has lost the weight, but is still very self-conscious and shy. Feelings ensue and they go back home to visit Jensen's family/friend and meet up with the bullies again.
38,707 words
尤其长大后的Jen,完全是every gay man’s fantasy,但却仍旧毫无安全感(其实他小时候已经是fucking beautiful,只不过极度自卑毫无认识)
很老套的“打赌—事发—磨难”模式,而且两次NC部分还是Jensen/Jared,但是……哎,当看到吵架之后Jen打电话给大J迂曲地叫他回家,威逼恐吓不成,于是最后小美人说:"Please, I…I don't want to sleep without you."我顿时失去了所有抵抗能力……XDD
当然这里的Jared一直是个好孩子,不论是美人原来胖的时候还是后来都head over heels地爱着他,甚至到了adore the ground Jensen has walked的地步囧

Of Sports Writers and Postmen by: violetlemon47
Summary: Jensen is new in town, and Jared is the friendly neighborhood mailman.

From Yesterday by: 3rd_leg and tru_faith_lost
Summary: An accident changes Jensen forever, and Jared tries to put him back together.
这篇最诡异的地方在于:明明把小美人写得那么漂亮美丽诱人,明明小美人受伤后那么可爱那么vulnerable……怎么就能让Jensen是total top呢?!?!虽说最后的NC是Jared/Jensen,但确实提到以往都是Jensen top(明明开头误导我以往是互攻)

Blood Bond by: j2daily
Summary: j2 werewolf fic with smut, drama, and angst galore.
34,104 words

I Don’t Want to Be In Love [But You’re Making Me] by: keepaofthecheez
Summary: A not so stupid person once said that hope was radical. What does that say about romance?
25,000 words
ps. 没看的时候我就觉得主角那个朋友(就是他投奔的那个,从乡下跑到大城市做酒保的,忘记名字了)太适合Chad了/_\

Hollow Years by: jeyhawk
Sammary: Thousands of years ago Pandora's Box was opened and evil let out into the world. Now it's time for the box to be opened again and at the center of an age old prophecy stands two young men; Jared Padalecki, whose heart was broken five years ago and whose visions might prove to be the death of him, and Jensen Ackles who's spent the last five years running from the monster he's become, and the man he can't let himself love.
Will they be able to fulfill their destiny and release the missing part of their soul, or will they perish trying as so many have before them?
52,000 words
而我之所以会推荐,完全是由于下面这可爱的一幕:Jensen说Jared如何如何,然后说"It's cute.",于是大家面面相觑,忍到内伤,因为事实上除了迟钝的美人本人,所有人都知道"Jared isn't the cute one, Jensen is."

Confidence by: doodle
Summary: AU. Jensen Ackles is a confidence trickster and one of the best in New York City. So when he starts working on his new mark, Sandy McCoy, rich housewife to Reynolds Enterprises newest rising star, corporate lawyer Jared Padalecki, he makes the mistake of thinking it’s just going to be another easy job.
100,000 words
骗术家Jensen的新任务就是要让大J和Sandy离婚,起初他将目标定为妻子,可这里的Sandy是绝对的bitch,虽然和美人玩得很high却贪图大J的钱而不肯离婚;于是Jensen只好将目标转为the husband。
于是can turn straight men gay的the best charmer Jensen闪着他的panty/pants dropping smile展开了完美的单纯小羔羊勾引计划(其实也没做什么,聊聊天吃吃饭,大J就傻乎乎地上钩了囧)
而经过和美人的接触,JP也逐渐变得自信大胆,甚至美人看着越来越狡猾的JP都会想:Who is this guy and what did he do with the real Jared Padalecki? (to me, it's more like "who're u and what did u do to my not-a-little-shy Jared")
ps. 这里Chris是Jen的重要初恋(心)
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