SPN: Sam/Dean

Moths on the Mirror by: fleshflutter
Summary: There's something wrong in Red Haven Hospital for the Criminally Insane, but no one's going to listen to a psychopath like Dean Winchester.
18,978 words

My Brother, My Killer by: Sharon (slcross)
Summary: Sam has pushed a reluctant Dean into accepting his need for intimacy and then he pushes too far. Angst and tears and some violence are inevitable.
总之这是我感觉最对的Sam/Dean之一,虽然很短,但是…(耸肩)can't help, just my type XD

Dark Side of the Moon by: fleshflutter
因为水妖的诅咒,Dean失明又失聪,于是Sammy小盆友开始事无巨细地照顾so vulnerable的哥哥,从穿衣走路到洗澡擦身……啊,当然同时还别忘了要找出复原的方法。

Sometimes the Hero Gets the Guy by: Isolde13
Summary: This fic features Whore!Dean. Inspired by the episode where he hustles pool to make extra bucks...hustles pool, my ass!Complete AU where Dean and Sam aren't brothers.
6,966 words
续篇 Sometimes the Hero Almost Screws it Up
我第一次看作者的文章是The Winchester Brothers in the Land of Fic(顺便说,这篇文章相当可爱XD),总觉得这位作者很可爱,有很多稀奇古怪的可爱想法,而且是绝对的Dean lover~

The Knuckles of Skinnybone Tree by: hansbekhart 
Summary: John Winchester walks the badlands, lost on the Path of the Dead, when he meets two mysterious men: a pair of hunters chasing the same ghost that he is, who tell him that he's wound up more than twenty years in the future. They promise to get him back to his own time - back to his young children - but refuse to tell him anything about themselves. The three men find themselves entangled with the warring spirits of the land, but John is pursued by nightmares and caught up between the two hunters, who are keeping secrets that John doesn't understand.
尤其当我看到Sam用手温柔地包绕着Dean的脚的时候(好吧,我承认我有foot fetish),真是心动啊XDD
ps. 6岁的小Dean真是太太太太可爱了呀!!!!!!!><

And So Awakens Devils by: concernedlily
Summary: Sam ends the world but Dean has to live in it.
59,268 words

Old Country by: astolat
Summary: Sam and Dean go to Hogwarts. (spoilers for All Hell Breaks Loose, Deathly Hallows)
40,647 words
我会看这篇文章是因为作者写道:文章最初的创意是源于——"Dean Winchester is a Hufflepuff who thinks he's a Gryffindor, and Sam Winchester is a Slytherin who thinks he's a Ravenclaw. Discuss."
我觉得这真是看过最可爱的SPN/HP cross创意了……但是实际上看了文章,写的并不是这么回事:Dean是Hufflepuff不假,Sam也的确是Slytherin,但是讲的是season2之后,弟弟仍在寻找破解哥哥契约的方法,结果某天开始不断收到猫头鹰的奇怪信函,结果原来兄弟俩是魔法界另一纯血古老大家族的继承人,继承了大笔的遗产和古老的庄园(还有一堆小精灵啥的),然后去到Hogwarts上学……
说实话到现在整篇文章我印象最深的只剩Sam强上他老哥那一段了(殴);而此外就是Potter照旧的没有意义,只有一两句台词的小D照旧可爱到没天理(甚至连Draco这个名字都没出现,只是一直叫the Malfoy child)

To The End by: esohpe
Summary: The world is ending, Sam has turned, and Dean stops running.
23,000 words
我爱这种Evil!Sammy keeping his brother captive的文章!!

For you as yet by: elanorelle
Summary: AU. Mary lives. Some things change, some things don't, and Dean's just postponing the inevitable.
18,741 words
果然没有family business的Sam就是小愤青一个绝对考不上斯坦福;而Dean则无论怎样都是绝对的好哥哥,而且在正常环境下果然是勤奋上进的好青年。

Cast Your Soul To the Sea by: mileouttahell 
一个一个的神话故事串联而成,而开篇没几句,我看到这句话的时候,便义无反顾把这篇放了上来:Sam was hopelessly, madly in love with his older brother.
最后当Sam问Dean: "You did want it?"的时候,Dean理所当然的回答也让我一下子愣在电脑前面:"'Course I do. You're Sammy."

The Green River County Detention Center Experiment (Being Wrong Is a Bitch) by: katjad
Summary: If Dean were to admit that he needed to be Sam's bitch under any other circumstances in the world, it would probably make Sam's life. But oddly enough, Sam's not really feeling like laughing right now.
8,097 words

Dabarim by RivkaT
Summary: Dean gets a new hunting partner.

Life in Monochrome by: fleshflutter
Summary: John dies while Sam's at Stanford and Sam discovers Dean has a new hunting partner.
4,426 words
Dean的new hunting partner就是Gordon,而且两个人有sex的关系,Sam知道后会怎么办?而当Gordon想杀掉Sam时又怎么办?

What Remains by: Merrin 
Summary: In Jefferson, Texas a man ends a generations-old curse and saves all the town's children, but completely loses his memory in the process. When it's discovered that he's a wanted criminal, the town comes together to conceal him out of gratitude for what he's done for them, giving him an apartment, a job and a whole new life. It takes seven months for Sam to find Dean, and when he finally does, he has to adapt to being around a man who has no idea that he used to be Sam's brother.
39,500 words
而当后来Sam找到他时,问他为何如此肯定,Dean看着这个陌生人回答说:"I'm sure it's my name. It feels right when I say it. Like it's part of me."

Never Be
by: rejeneration
Summary: Alternative WIAWSNB in which Dean is shocked to find himself living in domestic bliss with Sam (rather than Carmen).
13,000 words
续篇 It only goes to show by: merihn

Five Things Sam Wishes Dean Knew and One Thing He's Glad He Doesn't by: Kat

This November Life by: dontyouwaitup
Summary: Post-AHBL. Sam and Dean have been saving one another for their entire lives.
33,457 words
文章很有张力,弟奴Dean和too-much-anger Sam的感觉都很到位,唯一的遗憾是等级只有R XD

Give the Lie by: dreamlittleyo
Summary: It turns out Dean was wrong when he said there was no such thing as unicorns. It also turns out that when a unicorn steals your memories, you have to play nice to get them back. But what's a Winchester to do in the meantime?
14,200 words
麒麟(或者说独角兽?)偷走了兄弟俩的记忆……很像astolat那篇Under Hill,唯一不同的是这篇里连自己名字都记不得的Sam却记得Dean的名字,还有就是最后wincest既定后Dean翻江倒海的罪恶感…

My Brother's Keeper by: Tricia Owens
F/Dean,而且还都是dominating women,于是Sammy弟弟只能听着自己老哥被held down & fucked(无误!),拼命地忍耐忍耐控制控制……
之后Dean又一再把Sam的理智推至极限,于是,当当当当,鬼畜的Sam忍无可忍,终于把他老哥fuck all over,而且这两兄弟真是绝配,一个是绝对的dom,一个是甘心的sub,也就难怪Sam在床上要让Dean承认you're my bitch(血溅三尺)

When It Crackles by: lyra_wing
Summary: A cult is rumored to be guarding the Fountain of Youth. Oh, and while investigating it, Sam and Dean get roped into getting married. Yep.
22,400 words
为了调查案子,兄弟俩要混入一个小村庄,而唯一的借口是——we're gay,& a couple,& 没人接受我们,所以我们一起私奔了。古怪的村民于是接纳了他们,并郑重地为他们举行了——婚礼。
ps. 序里面那个小哥好可爱的(感觉像我家小葛似的),可惜就这么死掉了T^T

Don't Forget To Breathe Tonight by: jeyhawk
Summary: Dean's cursed and only Sam's touch can cure him, but will it ruin their relationship forever?
15,600 words

Screaming the Secrets We've Shared by:dev_earl
Summary: Dean chalks everything up to Sam's rebellion. Never good at taking orders, his brother keeps finding ways to get attention from the family. Everything happens in backwards.
10,493 words

You're My Family by: krazykipper
Summary: Dean stood and then rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, "This is what you think? Listen carefully Sam, you see this?" He held up his arm and showed his tattoo, "you know what this means? It means that John bought me. You probably have the paperwork to prove it somewhere. But John found me, he was good to me, and I see proof everyday of how much worse it could have been, all right?"
20,810 words

Rubber Ducky (You're the One) by: Impertinence
Summary: Turning into a bright red rubber duck isn't top on Dean's list of "Oh Shit, I Would Give Anything For This Not to Have Happened" Things, but it's definitely number two. Well, okay, maybe number three.

Belling the Tiger by Juli
Summary: Dean just isn't himself lately...
15,708 words 

Winchester Family Series by: Calysta
Summary: A series of stories about Sam and Dean and their children.

Love Is Never Blind by: Calysta
Summary: Set after the demon has been destroyed. Sam and Dean have an uphill struggle before love finally wins!

Innocence and Feathers by Sub Rosa
Summary: Total AU slash, no hunting, and nobody's related. Sam's a small town boy who moves to Los Angeles to act, where he meets a conman and a troubled male stripper.
67,825 words
续篇 Eyes Locked in Downcast Love
Summary: Going home is never easy. Especially when you've got a failed acting career under your belt, and a morally questionable almost boyfriend.
但是比起这种so-naive/innocent/whatever!Sammy我更喜欢像Sometimes the Hero Gets the Guy里的那种superhero!Sam

The Devil Really Does Wear Prada by: balefully
Summary: An AU crossover with The Devil Wears Prada. What if Sam were a little more…fabulous? Jess never died, John goes missing much later, and Dean. Well. He's in for quite a surprise.
36,806 words
Sam是自头自尾的gay,而且从斯坦福毕业后为时尚杂志工作,是时尚的超级追捧者,然后就跟原著中一样,爸爸失踪了,哥哥找上门,hunt & so on…

Back To The Beginning by sammyndeansgrl
Summary: Sam and Dean encounter a young man that claims to be from the future. He claims that he is here to stop the world from falling into darkness. Little do the Winchesters know that his reasons are far more personal than saving the world.
17,992 words
而且这篇总让我想到HP那篇《Enemy of the World》

And In the End He Traded His Tired Wings by: slytherinblack
Summary: Sam and Dean investigate suicides at a law school and Sam has trouble dealing with seeing something he wants and can't have.
ps. Sam是白眼狼啊白眼狼,好吧,这已经不是什么新闻了。

Swear By All Flowers by: sweetestdrain
Summary: Two years after the yellow-eyed demon is defeated, the Winchesters are still waiting for their happy ending.
37,000 words

Sub Rosa by: Malcolm St. James
21,000 words
美女与野兽SD版,而且S/D=Beauty/Beast 囧

Real Men Do It In Drag by: 1ightning
Summary: Dean never thought he would enter a beauty pageant; Sam never thought he would see his brother in a dress. There's a first time for everything, right?
3,600 words
看过了J2的两篇,这次是Miss Congeniality的SD版。
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