Sherlock: Sherlock/John


In My Master’s House Are Many Rooms by: brighteyed_jill
Summary: As a new slave in the Holmes household, John is having trouble finding his place.
续篇 That You May Also Be Where I Am:John started out as a free man, and he’s not having an easy time coming around to being a proper slave. On the other hand, Sherlock’s not exactly a model master, so perhaps the two of them will find a way to coexist.

Meet me inside by: wakeneve
Summary: John and Sherlock meet in prison. John becomes Sherlock's prison-wife.
18,905 words

Dehumanise Me by: deuxexmycroft
Summary: John is sent down for life after accidentally murdering someone, and gets snatched up to play prison wife for a strange man named Sherlock Holmes.
26,898 words

Sherlock is an awesome boyfriend by: diminua
Prompt: Much to everyone's surprise, Sherlock is an awesome boyfriend.

Sunday in the Park with John by: meredydd
Promt: Sally is out and about one day, minding her own business, when she sees Sherlock and John doing cute schmoopy coupley things at a park or something. They had never let on that they were in a relationship before. They don't see her, and she doesn't tell anyone.

And You I Crave by: softandwoollen
Prompt: John is an omega male (self lubricating ass and the ability to get pregnant) while Sherlock is an alpha. They might or might not have feelings for each other. John goes in heat unexpectedly, and Sherlock, after wiping out the competition, breeds him for the entire heat. Bonus points for impregnation and even lactation kink.

Fallen by: mamishka
Summary: Sherlock is not just a Consulting Detective but also an Adept in a world filled (unbeknownst to most humans) with supernatural beings. Unbeknownst to Sherlock, John is his Guardian Angel. Original AU crossover with BBC Sherlock.
47,628 words

Sherlock/girl!John - insecure!shy!Sherlock by: mesmiranda
Prompt: Sherlock realises that he is in love with girl!John and he has a bit of a meltdown over it, getting all insecure and scared that he has no idea how to handle a relationship.
ps. 这里有Moriarty/girl!Moran

Everyone wants John
Prompt: Everyone wants John. And by everyone, I mean EVERYONE. Lestrade, Mycroft, Mrs. Hudson, Sally, Anderson, 'Anthea'. Jim, Molly, Toby. It's such a shame that Sherlock doesn't share.
Or better explained as: Sherlock's reaction to finding out that everyone wants HIS John, and how he told them to piss off and get their own Watson.

If I died, you would be damaged, but if you died, I would be destroyed by: kirakira_nanoda
Summary: Shameless PWP so... no plot really. After a case and John is really angry with Sherlock for being careless with his life. Sherlock likes it when John's angry...
2,681 words

Semantic Satiation by: maskedfangirl
Promt: Sherlock practices saying 'I love you' in the mirror.

Girl!John isn't beautiful
Prompt: Joanna Watson has know her entire life that she is not beautiful, or even pretty. That honor goes to her older sister Harriet upon whom their mother lavishes all her attention. So Jo knows she is plain. She and Sherlock need to go undercover at a charity ball for Mycroft or Lestrade. Mycroft sends over a beautiful dress with his assistant who does Jo's hair and make up. She arrives and everyone compliments her. Sherlock just says she looks fine. Her feelings are hurt. Sherlock is confused as to why she seems mad at him and says at some point that she is beautiful all the time, a costume doesn’t make a difference. First time would be preferable but established relationship works too. Bonus Mycroft/Lestrade.
应文和提议不太一样,但是很棒!最后Sherlock没有说那句she is beautiful all the time,但是他说的那句……喔喔喔~~~~~~~晕倒XD

The Blogger's Life by: tawabids
Promt: John/Jo is pregnant and doesn't know how to tell Sherlock/want him to know yet, and Sherlock deleted the signs if pregnancy earlier in life for some reason, and doesn't put two and two together until either on a case or due to complications John/Jo ends up in hospital.

John's past
Prompt: The reason because "it's all fine!" is that before the war, John was very well known in the seediest gay clubs you can imagine. Easy, that's what John Watson was. But the war has changed him and he has shut this part of his life away in the darkest corner of his mind. What happens when he and Sherlock have to investigate smth. at one of those clubs, maybe meet some old... acquaintances?

Dens Sapientiae by: Kate_Lear
3,300 words

The Wrong Tree by: Laura JV (jacquez)
Summary: He didn't see why John wouldn't be interested, but John was peculiarly picky about some things (such as firing guns in the flat and going on dates with people who were not Sherlock), and he did not have enough data to know for certain whether John was, perhaps, only interested in burly men, or blond men, or non-sociopathic men. (On the other hand, John found shooting people pleasant and steadying, so he didn't have any room at all to object.)
3,669 words
比较神的一句:"You got high to get me to--and you're supposed to be a fucking genius"

5+1 by: emma_elicit
Promt: Five times John watched someone walking away from him, and one time he knew someone will never let him go.

Even on the cover of daylight by: bulletthestars
Summary: incest roleplay between sherlock and john, pretending to be boys in sixth form too eager for one another while their parents are out.
这个,incest roleplay,我说小夏你在玩的时候真的不会想到麦哥么|||||(被打飞~~~~~~~~)

Assistance by: dak
Summary: AU. Slavery exists in the modern world. John belongs to Moriarty, that is until events beyond his control thrust him into the life of the world's only consulting detective.
19,960 words

A Priori 'Verse by: rubberbutton
Summary: An AU in which vampires have enslaved humans and control, well, everything. Vampire!Mycroft insists his little brother get a slave -- even though it didn't work out with the dog -- and Sherlock chooses the one guaranteed to irritate his brother the most: an unassuming little doctor with an ugly past and absolutely no style to speak of.
麦哥:你看那个芭蕾舞女多可爱~ 小夏:我要个芭蕾舞女干吗用?(一脸莫名)←这萌孩子是真的不知道阿,真是蠢萌啊XDD

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